Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sweetest taboo

Si ma folie fait ton desespoir
ne m'en veux pas
je n'ai pas voulu te faire de tort
si tu savais combien mes desirs me font soufrir
e m'en veux pas
je me debat contre ce sort
la musique est mon sweetest taboo
comme une tempete
elle envahi mon corps mon etre
c'est un mystrere qui rend fou
un univers ou se confonde la nuit le jour
tout devient possible
c'est mon taboo
la musique, la musique est mon sweetest taboo

sometimes its just too good for me
j'ai tout fait pour y croire
mais mon taboo me rend trop egioste
chaque jours sans toi
me rappel a ma douce folie
malgre moi elle se glisse entre nouse

Sweetest Taboo, feat The Roots - Les Nubians

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


What was the first CD you've ever bought in life?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

never a dull moment

This is probably why I enjoy working in the exchange so much.

Because of the recurrent visits from an array of people, who I am assuming have some sort of mental disability/psychosis, I am lead to believe that there is some sort of home/shelter that houses these interesting people somewhere near by. (perhaps the health science psych ward.) Today, Trent came in again, (I already forgot his name, so we'll just dub him the pseudo-name Trent)and just wanted to "hang" out, he took of his jacket laid his backpack down on the desk and got comfortable, then proceeded to say that this music was 'amazing' and how he just had to say it, that it was amazing, and that this place centered him, then he would kind of space out for like five minutes not saying anything, then return to earth and say something else completely random. Maybe Connect Four is sort of his sanctuary. Soon after he gave me his wallet encouraging me to look at his ID to make sure he wasn't crazy, like an ID makes you sane. Anyway, that was Trent, here is my list (because I like lists) of other neat randoms that roam the exchange. Not all of them are crazy.

1. Trent, active postulation on a minor form of psychosis.

2. Cute old man who I am positive is functioning with a moderate level of autism. He's always looking for Alana who works for Provici. I must determine why.

3. Gross disheveled woman walking aimlessly around with half her head covered in scraggly fake, black clip on hair, and her gunt proudly hanging out for the public to see. She also sports a hospital bracelet. (Crazy? you might say so)

4. My illiterate friend who still persists to wash our windows.

5. Panty man. Borderline exhibitionist. Enjoys trying on womens underwear and having pictures taken. (oh how could I forget?)

6.Man/woman on excessively decorated moped, with killer legs and thick french accent.

7. Weeping Scam artist, in dolla dolla bill yall hoody, claiming his nephew died via drunk driver and needs to return our jeans for cash.

8.Irate Bum who yells at me when I don't give him money. Claims he is a native of Canada and has the right to a good job.

9. Older bald (tall) man who appears established (I'm thinking Lawyer/CEO or something - kind of reminds me of Penguin in Batman, all portly) who comes to get his makeup done in drag. Full on drag. Full on.

10. Victor. Oh Victor.


For 75 US dollars this can be yours!