Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"That's life for you," said McDunn. "Someone always waiting for someone who never comes home. Always someone loving some thing more than that thing loves them. And after a while you want to destroy whatever that thing is, so it can't hurt you no more." - R. Bradbury, The Fog Horn


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pandoras box

Getting inebriated with you may have proved to be a bad decision.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Someone is going to find out.

The other day a friend complained how hard it was to write a paper, it being her first academic paper in years, she was merely expressing how difficult it was with things like procrastination and text citing that were obstructing production. I said I'd help if she needed it, but after saying it I realized wtf, how did I even graduate?

Seriously, an undergrad degree in Psychology, how? When I'm reviewing/editing my resume, applying for degree related jobs, when people question my education and what I finished with I feel like a complete fraud. I don't even think I've retained any real information from the years I've been in university. I should be proud to say that I did it, sure I am, but it still baffles me how I actually accomplished it. Accomplished - overrated. Half way in I decided that, really..I hate people (to some extent). So on that note, dear friend I cannot help you with your paper, I suck.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kim is a pussy.

I think I've confirmed that I can't handle blood, most especially if I am the one bleeding. It makes me feel queasy, and if I don't make a conscious effort to not think about it, it is most likely that I will successfully faint. I have had two incidents, where this has happened. The first was when I was at an old job that I had, but that's a whole different story. The second, which was pretty recent, was at a super cheap asian (I had to add that, because clearly I'm prejudice and I'm asian so I can) nail salon.

I needed a cheap and fast pedicure, and this place was one of the few that would take my friend and I at the hour we were requesting. Key word here: Cheap. So, I was getting my pedicure, relaxing, sitting in that spa chair thing not really paying attention and playing with my phone. She was cutting away the cuticle on my feet, doing her thing, when suddenly she's says, "oh it hurt? It hurt?" Me: "wtf, are you talking about it hurt?" I look down and my toe is bleeding. It's pooling on the side of the nail, not a lot, but enough that seeing it makes me feel so gross inside. Awesome. She then proceeds to wipe it up with a tissue, puts some sort of green oriental ointment on it, all foreign, and it's still not exactly going away. Ignores, what's going on and moves on to the next toe. I'm like omg wtf is going on. I'm watching all of this. I even text my friend Elaine, who is sitting next to me. "uhhhh my toe is bleeding."

I keep thinking about this, that my toe is bleeding and I start slowing feeling nauseous and my head kind of starts spinning. My fingers start tingling and I can't really feel them anymore. At this point I know what's happening to me and I'm trying really hard to not make a scene and conceal the fact that I'm about to faint. I kinda just lean to the side and try to look like 'Im 'relaxing' and in the 'zone'; but really I'm taking deep slow breathes. It doesn't help that it smells like toxic chemicals in the salon and that my lungs were probably being poisoned. Then it feels like someone has covered my hears and I can't really hear anything around me, it sounds super muffled and my upper lip is fucking breaking a cold sweat. It was so intense. Somehow, I managed to contain myself and not faint, but it was definitely a struggle. Thank GAWD I didn't faint.

BUT...fucking bitch charged me full price! like, BITCH YOU FUCKING CUT ME, this shit should be FREE! Annnnnd, she says next time I shouldn't cut my toe nails so short and have them long. Wtttttf...don't make excuses. Fuckk, lesson learned, you get what you pay for. I should of dished the 90. Gahhd.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Adventure at oak hammock marsh.

I wish I had some sort of documentation of my experience at Oak Hammock Marsh because my attempt to plan an eventful afternoon had failed miserably.

Like all animals in nature, Ticks (a small arachnid belonging to the superfamily lxodoidea, if you didn't know) engage in behaviors that serve to foster and sustain life. Buttt.. they are no wildebeest, majestic cat or even ground squirrel that burrow and nibble on grass, all cute.

Aww, see cute right?

Ticks are malicious and mean, MEAN! Ticks are fucking assholes. With that said, I thought it would be nice to spend the afternoon at oak hammock marsh , have a nice jaunt, some sandwiches etc. The big foreshadow of that day was this sign that we read, right before we began our adventure. It had some facts (warnings really) about ticks that can be found in the tall grasses of the marsh, just to be careful. So, ticks engage in this 'interesting' behavior called Questing. yeah wtf right? Basically....

Hard ticks seek hosts by an interesting behavior called "questing." Questing ticks crawl up the stems of grass or perch on the edges of leaves on the ground in a typical posture with the front legs extended, especially in response to a host passing by. Certain biochemicals such as carbon dioxide as well as heat and movement serve as stimuli for questing behavior. Subsequently, these ticks climb on to a potential host which brushes against their extended front legs.


So, the first half hour was okay, super relaxed, really appreciating the marsh and nature, until the grass on the trail started getting higher and we took a wrong turn that lead to my inevitable break down. This was the path we took:

In total, we walked about 13km, in what I now like to refer to as 'tick city'. It was soooo shitty. There was probably at LEAST 50 ticks on Ken at the end of it all. I had no idea that it was going to be as bad as it was. My break down consisted of me stomping around, in an anxiety induced stupor, sweating and almost crying, but I made it. We tried running, but that failed because I'm ('we're') unbearably out of shape. I'd run for like five minutes and then ultimately want to collapse into the thicket of grass, but couldn't, so really I just settled into hopping around in a circle until Ken would look for ticks on my legs pick them off (because I refused/couldn't look at or touch them)then pick of the hundred that were already nested on his jeans. It continued on like this for the duration of the walk, 15 minute intervals in between reserved for picking off the ticks that have accumulated, mostly on Ken because he was wearing jeans. Oh, did I mention I was wearing shorts and flat canvas shoes? yeah. HELL. It was fucking HELL. The worst was looking down at the grass, trying to find a trail that didn't have as much grass and seeing these assholes in their 'quest' position. What dicks.

Oh and our sandwiches suckeddddd.

So, with all of that said, these are my top 'bugs' that I cannot stand in large quantities. In most cases these ones would probably precipitate an ugly break down that anyone would not want to be a witness of.

1. Ticks

2. Spiders

3. Canker Worms

4. Wasps

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sculpture '67

"doesn't stop the wind, but is just there, holding space: a genuine presence, a thing in itself, unique and useless. By 'useless' I mean like a friend. A friend is somebody you don't use. A real friend may be somebody you really can't count on. You value him for his presence. Real friendship is detachment." - T. Burrows

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nicole has inspired me to post this useless shit, about myself. Yay, for me. Here we go.....

1. I ask a lot of questions in general (not just while watching a movie)
2. I count each gulp every time I drink, if I'm really thirsty I can get up to 13 gulps. 8 is the usual.
3. Most people underestimate my crafting abilities.
4. I am about half done reading Victor Hugo's Les Miserables after a long hiatus.
5. I hate insects.
6. I hate when snow accumulates under cars.
7. I've been in over 7 car accidents. One where I took down my own fence.
8. I make hasty decisions.
9. I share the same birthday as Heather Locklear and Will Smith.
10. My Uncle named me after Kimberly Drummond on the show Diff'rent Strokes, played by Dana Plato who later appeared in some low budget softcore porn films. HEY-O!
11. I am not a fan of beaches.
12. Or camping. (although it's still pending)
13. I enjoy using obscure code names.
14. Heart - Alone is a repeater.
15. I use dictionary.com
16. I enjoy beards on the opposite sex.
17. I have never gone camping in my life (which is why no. 12 is still pending)
18. When I cook, there is usually a 'pretend' audience, and commentary.
19. When I was 6 I thought it was Regina, instead of vagina.
20. The sight of my own blood makes me feel queasy.
21. Regrettably, I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed the Twilight series, despite its lack reason.
22. Lampe Berger is haunting me.
23. I was a loner for most of my elementary years.
24. I am obsessed with owls and all the shades of brown.
25. I wonder if Dexter knew he smelled like vomit, that day I had to sit next to him in grade 3.

and one more..
26. I will go to great lengths to poo in solitude.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm going to miss you. msn with Anne

anne. says: yo Bleeeeeep is going to vancouver in two weeks
animal imagination says: i know
anne. says: tell him to reach me
anne. says: haha i may need a hook up
animal imagination says: hook up?
animal imagination says: like fuck!?
anne. says: for jobs
animal imagination says: you wanna fuck him?
animal imagination says: LOL
animal imagination says: ashdasdklasdh
animal imagination says: BEST REACTION EVVVVVER