Friday, October 31, 2008

wait a minute

On my commute to work I saw TWO license plates with the numbers 666. Omen? .....

Monday, October 27, 2008

what goes bump in the night.

Currently there is a bottle of holy water sitting on the coffee table, and every time I walk by to get to the kitchen I am drawn to look at it, more like forced. It looks so ominous, that translucent liquid in that opaque plastic bottle. Who put it there? What is it for? My dad brought it from the Philippines, my thoughts. It's giving me the heebie jeebies. Maybe its purpose is to repel bloodthirsty creatures of the night. A good idea for all hallows eve. (good thinking dad, good thinking) or maybe...... my dad has come to the belief that I have turned into a wicked wicked wench full of debauchery and demonic will, and he is purposely (and in secret) trying to sabotage my growing lust for sin and evil, so now he thinks I need guidance and this is the only way. The only way to make me pure again, by stealthily placing drops of holy water into my beverages. Hmmm. This could be a possibility.

Maybe its this image I keep getting my head from the movie Omen involving holy water, maybe that's the association. Was there even a scene with holy water or am I making that up? No matter, it still creeps me out. When I think holy water I never think good things like unicorns, butterflies and rainbows. I think, vampires, burning skin, and evil pure pure evil. So it's suppose to cast away the such, what does Wikipedia have to say about it (taking a moment to read up on it..... and..), baptisms, sacraments, oh neat, proper disposal. Anyway, thanks Hollywood, for giving me bad dreams. Thanks for that.

Monday, October 20, 2008

sans beard.

The first time we met he was sans beard, that should of been a sure indication he was bad news, despite his assumed innocence. His impeccable attire should of been a warning sign too. I've decided that I'm incapable of dating if that's what it was. What's with this. I've been given advice on how to deal with this one, it involves 4 easy steps: Step 1, Print pics of said offender, step 2 draw all over it (perhaps creating him into a crack whore/drag queen or a homely bum), step 3 tear them apart, step 4 throw them out. AND DONE! A therapeutic experience, so I'm told. Rocky gave me this piece, I'm quite amused that she printed the pictures for that soul purpose, but I'm pretty okay with this, I'm not bummed as much as I thought I would be. More mad with myself, than anything. So ladies, and MAN, what are your "therapeutic" methods? I'm going to get a haircut.
In total, beards are great.

p.s. I still have that persimmon, waiting for someone to bite into its soft supple flesh, you know you want it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I guess..

Persimmons, the "underrated treat in a tomato costume". According to our good friend Wikipedia, these little babies are true berries in definition and come in acorn, pumpkin and spherical shapes. They also have chemical and medicinal purposes, like all good things. I also looked up the word 'fruit' up on my dictionary widget, and there it was in all its glory, Persimmon in the P section of those that were listed. So yes, yes persimmons are fruits indeed. This leads me to my afternoon events: I went to Young's Trading (which by the way I love Asian markets, so many bizarre foods) today and spotted a nice cardboard box full of them. I decided that it was time to find out what all the fuss was about, so I bought two. Two because, what if I really really enjoyed this tomato disguised treat and wanted another one? Not one, because one would look stupid to buy. Two looks more meaningful. Anyway, I thought it was going to taste super sour and for some reason I thought there was going to be this massive brown seed in the middle, but I was wrong in my assumption. It was kind of sweet but bland. I guess it was ok. Kind of dry too. They look better as decoration. So, does anyone want a free persimmon? It's free!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lately I have been unmotivated to post anything up, but last night I came across the Manitoba Comic Convention website (yet again) and to my surprise someone new has been added to the 'celebrity' guest list. Now this is worth blogging about: LeVAR BURTON. I am sooo there, just to be in the same presence of this childhood friend, is worth my 12 dollars. When he started playing Geordi LaForge in Star Trek, I was convinced that he was Levar's evil doppelganger, and I couldn't quite put two and two together. But I was like 4. How weird is to watch your favorite children's PBS host after school and later watch him as a blind sci fi guy on Star Trek. Well, it was weird for me. Now, it's just a matter of finding someone who is willing to come with me.