Monday, October 8, 2007

I know its kinda late but I had no where else to post besides facebook? (which i have basically written off). So I'm left with this, bloooooooog. I'll save you the spiel on how monumental the show was blah blah blah (like every other blog that has talked about it). We all know DP is king.

Vids from Daft Punk, Mtl, Bell Centre. Cheryl and I were separated, she obvs has the better camera, but I had the best spot (minus the gross chick who was engaging in some serious grind dancing next to me. I pretty much barfed in my mouth) Oh and a little bit of Busy P. Calm down J.


joseph james said...

he was so in high five range.

Kevin Leander said...

Smartest move of your life so far going to that concert. :)