Monday, October 20, 2008

sans beard.

The first time we met he was sans beard, that should of been a sure indication he was bad news, despite his assumed innocence. His impeccable attire should of been a warning sign too. I've decided that I'm incapable of dating if that's what it was. What's with this. I've been given advice on how to deal with this one, it involves 4 easy steps: Step 1, Print pics of said offender, step 2 draw all over it (perhaps creating him into a crack whore/drag queen or a homely bum), step 3 tear them apart, step 4 throw them out. AND DONE! A therapeutic experience, so I'm told. Rocky gave me this piece, I'm quite amused that she printed the pictures for that soul purpose, but I'm pretty okay with this, I'm not bummed as much as I thought I would be. More mad with myself, than anything. So ladies, and MAN, what are your "therapeutic" methods? I'm going to get a haircut.
In total, beards are great.

p.s. I still have that persimmon, waiting for someone to bite into its soft supple flesh, you know you want it.


Anonymous said...

steps 3 and 4 are crucial to the successfulness of the therapy.

Anonymous said...

boom boom an ugly.

Anonymous said...

Dance GO GO girl DAAANNCE!!!